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Mine Waste Management

Ensure the effectiveness and long-term stability of waste and tailings storage facilities by evaluating options that meet your specific needs and risk profile. AEM develops safe and stable waste management facilities that are practical and cost-effective for mine closure, meeting not only local permitting requirements but also global best practices. Our extensive experience with tailings facilities, heap leaching, municipal and industrial waste treatment facilities can help you minimize risk and keep your project within budget.

AEM’s full range of services includes geotechnical site investigations, seismic assessments, physical and chemical waste characterization, hydrological and hydrogeological studies, stability analysis, construction planning and scheduling, environmental permit applications, and mine closure and rehabilitation planning.

Our Capabilities

AEM has designed and developed waste management facilities for gold, platinum, uranium, copper, iron, oil sands and coal mines in a variety of environmental and climatic conditions around the world.

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